Want to see where I spent at least 45 hours a week for the past 20 or so years?

about personal finance

Paradise. If only I could see the sun..then maybe it would have been closer to paradise.

So who am I? I’m a full time working mom of two boys (one in college and one living on his own). I have worked full-time in Corporate America for almost two decades in IT and sat in a cube for most of my career. After the pandemic hit, we were working remote, but we were told we were going to be going back to the office everyday. There was no way I could return to my cube, so I was able to find an awesome fully remote job.

Although I currently work a remote job, I never want to be dependent on my day job. I want to have the ability to quit when I want to. This means having enough money saved and invested and earning income on the side.

I have started blogs, joined direct sales businesses, started a travel business, virtual assistant business, and have checked out many different types of business opportunities and work at home jobs. The one thing that I noticed most blogs don’t address when recommending business opportunities or work at home jobs are that many moms working in Corporate America make a substantial income and some are the breadwinners of their family, so making $5/hr writing articles may not generate a significant enough side income to make it worthwhile.

It also isn’t easy finding women in my everyday life that I can talk to about personal finance and investing, which amazes me considering many of these women are college graduates, with higher incomes, and think that keeping a savings in the bank is what is going to help them retire.

My blog will be different from other work at home mom blogs. I want to help working moms learn about the opportunities out there that will help them escape their cube, whether that means finding a remote job, starting a business, or retiring early by learning about investing and personal finance.

Feel free to contact me via my contact form if you have questions or comments!